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Use your intelligence

Tap into your brainpower and the unlimited Akashic Records

Be a world steward

Commit to improving the status quo, bit by bit, and never give up

Lead with your heart

FEEL what's happening on the planet and respond with love

About Earth’s Record

Earth’s Record is a little known resource that you can access in order to help promote environmental stewardship. Your profound love for the planet and your deep desire to help with the many, mostly man-made challenges, can turn into a partnership that will lead to concrete, viable, and supportive solutions. By learning how to work with this tool, the Earth’s Akash, you’ll foster respectful use of resources, encourage regeneration, and contribute to a healthier planet. Learn to tune in and take action as your insights lead to concrete results. Just imagine the possibilities!

Environmental Problems

Sadly, today our world is faced with a myriad of challenges. Though hardly a complete list, of great concern are:

Isn’t it too late though, you might ask? Haven’t we gone too far to turn things around? Don’t you read the news?

But that’s just part of the story. These problems and others absolutely can be affected by our conscious efforts to understand what might be in the earth’s best interest first, and thereby our own. It might surprise you that the Earth’s Akashic Record offers a more optimistic view than the facts seem to imply. Once you begin exploring your concerns, the Record will illuminate remarkable and sometimes mundane avenues for assistance, all of which could make a difference. Whether you’re working globally or locally, you can help! No step is too small to take, but you can move by leaps and bounds as well.

And if you’re a scientist working in the environmental arena, don’t let this resource go unexplored. Even if you work in an academic setting that values hard data, the Earth’s Record can help provide that. This may seem like something way out on the fringe, but resolving the complex issues we currently face will require bold steps and moving into uncharted territory.

But receiving information is only one step…applying it creatively is something else entirely. You may already doing a lot as an environmental steward, but the Akash offers insights you might not be able to come up with on your own…from a truly unique perspective. And you can test them out by taking action based on that information and then determine the results for yourself. Once you learn how to do this, you’ve got a renewable resource that will never be exhausted and is limited only by your curiosity.

The Earth’s Record really could be the solution you’ve been looking for! Discover practical ways to help with the challenges that concern you and your organization. Effect profound change in line with your values and goals. Take back some of the control and step away from despair and hopelessness. Quickly discover feasible ways to care for our planet based on the information you receive through the Earth’s Record. What does this really mean for you? By learning how to access the Earth’s Akash, individuals and organizations can move their mission forward by periodically utilizing a process that can be readily mastered.

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A New Paradigm

If you’re scratching your head without a clue as to what the Earth’s Record is, I can relate. Not too long ago, I wouldn’t have given this a second thought and if I had come across such information, I would have rolled my eyes and moved on. But hang in there because the reward is worth it. When you subscribe to this site, you will receive an introduction to the Akashic Record (an audio slide show) which will lay the foundation for further exploration into a resource that, while unfamiliar to you at this time, can be accessed regularly and the information tested to see whether it successfully guides you to find solutions to our rather formidable environmental concerns.

If you have questions that you’d like to see explored in the Earth’s Record, you can ask those directly through the Contact page and get emailed updates that are then posted on the News page. So take a minute now to sign up through the opt-in box on the right side near the top of the page, if you will. Naturally, your privacy will be respected and you won’t be hammered by marketing pleas.

Accessing Earth’s Record

While this may be outside-the-box thinking, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how approachable the Earth’s Record really is and how practical the information you discover can be. You see, instead of wringing your hands and feeling overwhelmed by how big the job seems, try exploring the Akash. You will be enlivened and sincerely encouraged by what you learn.

And what you learn will help you stay current and effective by guiding you to move in new and productive directions. Why not go straight to the source to answer your environmental and organizational questions? Ask Earth’s Record.

You don’t have to solve the world’s problems on your own. By developing this empowering new partnership, you, we, can create a brighter tomorrow…beginning today.

More Information

You’ll sometimes hear the Akashic Record referred to in the plural form (the Records). It’s also known as the Akasha or the Akash. But wait, there’s so much more! Delve further into this exploration on the Akash page and let us know if you have any questions. Please come back periodically as more information is regularly being added. Meanwhile, join our world community by signing up on the form in the upper right corner so that you’re on top of the latest Earth Record news and blog posts. You may join us on Facebook as well.

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